The countless unforgettable experiences I had as an NCP scholar in Japan

My name is Bea and I had a countless number of amazing and unforgettable experiences during my NCP scholar experience. The NCP scholarship program gives you so scope to travel, undertake full-time language training in the language of your choice, and commence internship programs specialised to your field of study. As undergraduate students, this is…

My semester at McMaster University

I chose to do a semester exchange because I love to travel, meet new people and go on adventures and exchange is a perfect way to do that. It also pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to gain a unique experience of studying in another country. I chose Canada because it…

How a hands-on experience led to a Go-Fund Me fundraiser

We are Abbey and Jess, and we participated in a volunteer program through International Volunteer HQ (IVHQ) working in Arusha Tanzania with Perfect Vision, a women’s empowerment organisation. We chose to do the global experiences program to explore another part of the world, immerse ourselves in the culture and have a positive impact on the…

Love letters to Bahasa: My three week journey into Central Java 

After spending my first year of university in Covid and my second somehow slipping through my fingers I was desperate to embark on a global experience journey before my time at uni was up.   Travel has consistently ranked among my top priorities, and I’ve been fortunate to have accumulated significant experiences in that regard. When…

5 tips for your journey in Japan

Hi! My name is Adam and I recently came back from a year living in Japan as an exchange student. I know there’s a lot of information out there on Japan, however I’d like to present 5 tips that I feel can increase the quality of your time in Japan that are not often discussed….

Top 10 destinations of 2023

It’s been a big year of student travel in 2023! This is the first year since COVID that students have been able to go overseas all year round, and in that time, we have seen over 900 students travel to 51 different countries. That’s a huge number. So let’s see what 2023’s most visited destinations…

Three pieces of advice on how to handle the price!

Hear from our global ambassadors on how to be thrifty when studying overseas So you’ve got the travel bug? You want to see the world and experience university life across the globe, but your eyes are bigger than your budget. Well, you have come to the right place, below are the successes, struggles and snippets…

Forensic Psychology 101

Hey everyone we’re Chelsea and and Lilly, and over the winter break we went and did a three-week Forensic Psychology course in the Netherlands. During the course we lived in a town called Maastricht which is down south right near the border with Germany and Belgium. We did 4 modules split among those 3 weeks…

A letter of thanks from Architecture students who completed a course in Spain

To whom it may concern, I am writing this on behalf of the Architecture students who completed the 2023 “Lost in Translation: Upside Down Architectures” elective, to express our deepest appreciations and thanks for the exceptional opportunity and learning experience we had, and to share our thoughts on the course and its impact on our…

10 most popular destinations of 2022

Every year, between 800-1000 students at the University of Newcastle complete some type of experience overseas, but where are most students actually going? Let’s see what the 10 most popular Global Experience destinations were for UoN students in 2022! Coming in first with no surprise to the Global Experience team is Japan! Japan is a…

Why I recommend exchange in the US

Hey my name is Lachie and I recently did a semester exchange at Western Washington Uni in the US. When I applied to UoN, I investigated the exchange program and I knew after COVID restrictions eased I wanted to jump in and take the opportunity to study and travel overseas. I chose Western because it…

4 reasons to go on exchange to New York University

“I figured if I could live in New York, I could live anywhere. Now it feels like the whole world is unlocked to me and that my future could lead me anywhere in the world because exchange gave me the confidence to believe that I could.”  Here are the 4 reasons I went on exchange…

Summer School for Sustainability in Sweden

Hi! My name is Luci Youman and last year, I decided to get a passport, pack a suitcase and head over to the University of Gothenburg in Sweden to attend the Summer School for Sustainability. This pilot summer program focused on global environmental challenges and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, offering an array of short…

First Year trip to Vietnam

In February, 2023, 19 first year students from various degrees flew to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for a cultural immersion trip filled with laughter, memories and new international friendships. With nervous excitement running through all of us, we laughed together at the airport and during our long nine hour flight. After touching down whilst…

Fiji & New Zealand: my two global experiences

I am really wanting to travel after I complete my studies, so I thought experiencing culture whilst studying was a fantastic way to still travel and complete units within my degree.    I couldn’t recommend these global experiences enough. Having the ability to travel whilst studying is such an amazing and rewarding experience. I have found…

Interning at the UN through the NCP scholarship

Even before I started university I knew I wanted to do a semester exchange. I researched my options and heard about the New Colombo Plan very early in my first year. When it came time to apply in May 2018, I remember feeling nervous but excited – I had a year’s worth of ideas swirling…

Turning theory into practice: entrepreneurship!

My early university years always associated overseas study with theory-based learning. I never realised there was an opportunity to conduct hands-on study with real-life industry professionals. Learning real business strategies and practices, at major corporations and businesses, whilst building my own personal connection portfolio is a dream for any student. The entrepreneurship program held by…

4 reasons to study a language overseas

When I started my diploma in languages, a big reason for it was to cure lockdown boredom, but there was a bigger motive of one day being able to go over and speak German in Europe. I tried to do a full semester overseas during my undergraduate degree but unfortunately I couldn’t make it work,…

Seven reasons why you should study at Leeds

We chat with University of Leeds students, Megan Bentley and Amy Sidle, who have studied at UON for a year. We find out why their home university is worth considering for your next study overseas adventure! If you are looking for a new overseas adventure or want to go on exchange, then look no further than…

Engineering exchange in South Carolina

By being given the opportunity to study abroad on exchange through Global Engineering Education Exchange (GE³), Michael Fraser was able to travel to Clemson University in the United States, one of the top-rated public universities in the country for engineering. Michael took his semester exchange in August 2017 to experience a different learning environment and…